• Led a team of 7 in designing a mechanism for the identification and separation of silkworm cocoons based on their gender using NIR technology. • Selected for the Semi-Finals of the AICTE, DST & Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 anchored by IIMB. (Team ID: 1062673).

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• Conceptualized and designed an improvised version of abrasive jet machining using electromagnetism to eliminate major issues in the existing process. • Participated in the Design and Innovation Clinic competition conducted by CMTI, Bangalore and Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, IISC, Bangalore and emerged as the first runner-up.

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• Led a team of 4 in the design, fabrication and testing of an innovative solar water heater with improved efficiency, corrosion resistance and heat retention by integrating heat pipe and trough collector technology. • Sponsored by KSCST- Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology under SPP 43rd Series and emerged as the "Best Project of the Year 2020" under the Mechanical and Manufacturing domain.

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